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Jamaican-America attorney Dahlia Walker Huntington launches – ‘You Only Know Half’ podcast to showcase Jamaicans living in the USA

Jamaican-America attorney Dahlia Walker Huntington launches – ‘You Only Know Half’ podcast to showcase Jamaicans living in the USA

You Only Know HalfHOLLYWOOD, Florida. Tuesday, June 1, 2021:  Jamaica is a small country of approximately 2.8 million people living on a 4,444 square miles island and another two million Jamaicans living outside the country.  The impact on the world of this relatively tiny island is legendary – her athletes, her scholars, her music, her food and her culture. But, ask any Jamaican and they will proudly celebrate being a Jamaican in America and proceed to list all the Jamaicans of note who have impacted the fabric of the United States.

Like all immigrants packing up and moving to a foreign country comes with bitter-sweet memories. Leaving family and familiarity behind to start over in a foreign country can be daunting.  Everyone experiences pain and pleasure with the move and Jamaicans who for the most part migrate for economic opportunities and to reunite with their families, are no different.

With her unbridled love for Jamaica and America, award winning Jamaican-American attorney, Immigration, Diversity & Inclusion Advocate Dahlia Walker Huntington founded You Only Know Half Podcast to celebrate the journey and contributions of Jamaicans to America. The Podcast will see Dahlia in spirited & introspective conversations with different Jamaicans living in the USA.  Her guests will be Jamaican immigrants who have made and/or are making significant personal and professional strides in the U.S., while still keeping their strong connection to the land of their Birth-Jamaica.

Dahlia says, “my podcast is setting out to be inspirational, entertaining even emotional as our discussions will cover my guests’ journeys, trials and triumphs.  Jamaicans living in America experience challenges, many of which are completely unexpected, but we rise above each in our own way. Those moments of joy, solid achievements and personal accomplishments, are what we will celebrate”.

Waves of national pride sweep across the island when one a Jamaican does well abroad.  According to Dahlia, “Jamaicans on the global stage have made us all proud as they engage in every facet of human development and continue to exemplify extraordinary achievements in their areas of operation.  On, ‘You Only Know Half’, I will showcase some of these Jamaicans often from humble beginnings”.

Tune in to Dahlia Walker-Huntington’s podcast on www.youonlyknowhalf.com as she will stir your emotions with thought provoking matters and build a bond with her listeners through analysis, insight, and storytelling.